"solarchill-B" - for household and commercial purposes

Photo: istock.com/DanielAzocar
Photo: istock.com/DanielAzocar

Without adequate refrigeration, everyday staples – milk, eggs, dairy products, meats, fish and vegetables- easily spoil, and food safety is compromised. Safe food supply, however, is a basic ingredient of human health. Food poisoning can have severe, long term, and sometimes fatal consequences. Adequate refrigeration improves the variety of foods available on a daily basis, which results in better nutritional balance, and greater public health. The spoilage of food also has serious economic consequences.


In areas without electricity or with poor electrical supply kerosene refrigerators - or solar fridges using lead batteries - are often used to preserve food. With the advances made for preserving vaccines, the SolarChill technology can also become a reliable and affordable - climate friendly and battery-free - technology for household and commercial purposes in off-grid areas. The replacement of kerosene refrigerators and lead batteries will significantly contribute to reduce environmental threats.

The current GEF funded SolarChill Project aims at supporting the commercialization of the SolarChill technology for household and commercial purposes. Several appliance manufacturers have expressed interest in providing prototypes. If you, as a manufacturer, are interested in cooperating with us please contact us.


SolarChill has a great market potential as it can be used for domestic and small commercial applications in developing countries, as well as for off-grid recreational purposes in developed countries.